Chapter 319

Medford Oregon

EAA Chapter 319 Meeting Minutes – March 8, 2018 (Rev. A ) Filed Flash G7EAA Chapter 319 Meeting Minutes – March 8, 2018 (Rev. A ) Filed Flash G7

President Alan Laudani called the 6:30 PM meeting to order at The Sun Oaks Homeowners Association, SOHA, Lower Clubhouse at 2465 Sun Oaks Drive in Medford, Oregon.

The last EAA Chapter 319 meeting was held on February 8, 2018 at the above mentionedlocation.The draft of the minutes was reviewed, amended, accepted at the meeting and subsequently distributed.

Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Glen Finley submitted the Balance Sheet as of January 31, 2018. He included the Profit and Loss statement for January through February 2018.The report was accepted as presented.


Meeting Site Alternative and Table & Chair Issues
There has been no definite resolution regarding these issues which remain open; however, it was proposed that the move to the CAP hangar be arranged ASAP.

A “Reference Only” Excerpt from September 14, 2017 Meeting minutes

Meeting Site Alternative and Table & Chair Resolution
The long standing and more recent relationship between EAA Chapter 319 and the Civil AirPatrol, CAP, has been uncertain. The Chapter Board decided that negotiation regarding EAA meeting site fee, CAP table/chair rental and other considerations was appropriate. Pursuant to this end, Chapter Board members, Glen Finley and Sherri Shusterwitz, met with Civil Air Patrol Representatives, Brian Monosmith, and Herman Dennington. It was implied that the EAA Chapter 319 would be allowed hold “scheduled” meetings and BBQ events in the CAP hangar without a fee (previously $50 per month.) Likely, the CAP assumes that the Chapter 319 chairs and tables would continue to be available for CAP use.

Because of the CAP hangar location and configuration, it serves as the MFR airport fence with agate; accordingly, procedures regarding EAA personnel entry and movement must be consistent with airport security requirements.

While no specific rules regarding EAA personnel entry and movement have been drafted, one possibility is as follows.

  1. Knowledge of the door lock combination will be limited to “designated” EAA Chapter members; further, designees must have a badge such as that issued to hangar tenants, allowing access to the airport through designated gates and limited movement on the airport.
  2. Attendees without badges must stay within the bounds of the CAP property, the hangar and apron.
  3. Attendees without badges must be escorted beyond the boundaries of the CAP property by, and are the responsibility of, any chapter member with an appropriate security badge.

The disposition of the EAA-owned folding chairs and tables has not been determined.

Hangar Visits
There is interest in visiting the active project and even temporarily inactive ones.


We are hoping for a response to Alan’s

Having nearly completed his glass project, Alan Laudani is stirring interest in other Saturday “Project Visits” repeated in the following e-mail excerpt.

Everyone, please check your recent photo files and submit aviation related photos and send them to Glen, Joan or me to enhance our proposed membership drive bulletin. The object is to put friendly faces into an invite that we will mail to all national members in the area that have not joined the Chapter, looking to entice them to join and become active in the Chapter.

I am working on some content for our website/facebook page. I am writing a synopsis of my plane/project. Those that are currently building please consider reporting what you're building and its status so we could have a new "builder's corner" or "builder reports". I think this will draw attention to the chapter and inspire people to work on their projects and make progress. I would love to see something from Stan, Hank, Darryl, Jim, Sam & Glen as I know you have something in your workshops.

Several Airplane projects are underway in the area. Candidates for a Saturday visit include:

  1. Jim Waperhorst (sp?) – A kit being covered by Steve’s Aircraft at Beagle and possibly moved to Hangar A-6 at MFR.
  2. Chris Hooper – Motor Glider
  3. RV6 (not clear)
  4. Darrell Hass – RV-9A
  5. Sam Russell – 1939 Aeronca Model 65C Pre-WWII “CHIEF”

Additionally, regarding projects, Alan has an ongoing investigation the possibility of Chapter319 participating in the Eagles Nest Program. Consider the repeated excerpts from Alan’s recent-mails.Alan got a phone call from Bob Kelly (from Indiana?) about reaching out to some gents in the Medford area that wish to mentor kids by providing an opportunity for them to build theRV12 airplane.

Bob's info: Bob Kelly President, AviationNation, Inc. (812) 701-5454

Our website is www.aviationnationinc.orq . check out the projects page. The contact in Medford Bob "introduced" me to is a long time resident, Bob Kaufman: 541 973-7083.

I talked with Mr. Kaufman and I would like to invite him to talk to us at our next meeting.

B. Kelly originally started with Eagle Nest projects but was asked to leave. They seem to have some interesting support in a lot of places, check out the projects page.

Eagle's Nest Projects: Home Page

Eagle's Nest Projects ...
bringing aviation to yet
another generation
through hands-on aircraft
building in th ...

Stored Items Investigation
Several items, used at air shows to stimulate interest in flying, namely, The Vari-eze flight simulator, Link Trainer and Rocket are in storage. Consideration is to be given to their use or disposition.


Refreshments were served as some member viewed National EAA-supplied VIDEOS and other members, including potential new members, socialized.

The SOHA Lower Clubhouse has been reserved for 2018. Event particulars will be announced.

2018 Meeting/Event Schedule (Rev. A)

The "Second Thursday 5:30 – 10:00 pm” meeting schedule will continue through 2018, except as noted/announced. Barring further notice to the contrary, monthly chapter meetings will continue to be held at The Sun Oaks Homeowners Association, SOHA, Lower Clubhouse at 2465 SunOaks Drive in Medford, Oregon. Reservations have been made as follows.

  • February 8, 2018
  • March 8, 2018
  • April 12 , 2018
  • May 10, 2018 Second Thursday (Tentative)
  • Note: May, 2018 Saturday (12, 19 or 26 TBD) Possible Spring Potluck at Pankonin Beagle Sky Ranch.
  • June 14, 2018
  • July 12, 2018
  • August 9, 2018
  • September 13, 2018 Second Thursday (Tentative)
  • Note: September, 2018 Saturday (8, 15 or 22 TBD) Possible Fall Potluck Questionable site: Civil Air Patrol, CAP, Hangar
  • October 11, 2018
  • November 8, 2018
  • December 13, 2018 Second Thursday (Tentative)
  • Note: December, 2018 Saturday (8, 15 or 22 TBD) Holiday Potluck may be deferred, because of family "Holiday Commitments, to January, 2019 Saturday (12, 19 or 26 TBD) at Sun Oaks Lower Clubhouse.

The meeting was adjourned by Alan Laudani at approximately 9:30 P.M

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